Extended Wings for Logistic Services (EWLS) is a Private owned company providing professional aerospace and defense services, with the main function as a provider of professional aerospace services.
Our capabilities are represented by:
- Providing New aviation systems including different types of aircraft through our agents, Military, and Civilian as well.
- Providing distinguished aviation maintenance, repair, overhaul, and specialized support services through excellence in service quality, safety, reliability, value, and customer focus.
- Provide Spare parts for different types of aircraft through our agents, Military, and Civilian as well.
- EWLS holds several integrated logistic service contracts across Jordan and continues to expand its support capabilities to customers throughout the region
- Has recently found a high potential for more business representing international companies and also for more business with other Customers (besides the RJAF) in the Middle East and North Africa to promote Military and Civil products
- EWLS is manned by a leading team consisting of retired Air Force Generals, with different backgrounds varying from Fighter Pilots (Fixed Wing & Rotary) as well as Aeronautical and Civil Engineers who will be introduced to you accordingly.
- Marketing the International vendors’ products and capabilities by performing Sales alliances, Solution-specific alliances, Geographic-specific alliances, and distributorship.
- Buying surplus products for certain customers under all applicable approval.
Who we are:
- Allied with licensed Troops Vehicles supply and spares suppliers.
- Allied with an authorized distributor for PHANTOM (Parachutist Oxygen Systems) for High Altitude Jump.
- Distributor of mobile Fire ranges inside simulators and Military Firearms Training simulators.
- Allied with Mobile hospital manufacturers, Mobile troops camps, and deployable command and control centers manufacturers.
- Allied with Air defense systems spares and technical support company.
Board of directors managing of EWLS
The EWLS management team is comprised of former CEOs, Presidents & senior
executives of major defense contractors and commercial corporations.
executives of major defense contractors and commercial corporations.

Omar Ababneh
Extended Wings for logistic Services CEO (Company Owner)
Major General Fighter Pilot (Ret.)

Ahmad Alzyoud
CEO Assistant (Company Owner)
Aerospace and weapons Engineering specialist

Eng. Mohammad Nasser
Senior Executive Sales & Business Development Director
over 30 years involved with military, safety and security equipment
Our D i v i s i o n s
Integer purus velit, aliquet et ex sed, dictum pretium ante. Phasellus fermentum sapien nibh, semper egestas.

Aircraft, Vehicles, & Vessels

Robotics & UAVS


Special Missions

Weapon Systems

Foreign Materiel Acquisition
Non-Standard & Non-NATO

Port Security

Humanitarian Relief

Tactical & OCIE

Combat Support
Expeditionary & Energy
